Friday, June 25, 2010

A Smile is My Mantra

Schedule: 7 Actual: 7 RPE: 4

Oh wow! I had a fantastic run today! For the first time in my training, I can picture myself running and completing a marathon.

I took my phone with me but didn't keep track of the minutes per mile; I was just focusing on running. I ran an average of 11-minute miles but I know my first two miles were about 15 minutes each. I walked a few minutes to start and end my first mile. I had leg cramps as usual and stretched them several times.

I was getting myself so worked up about this run since I'd never run this many miles before. So I decided to mentally separate the run into an 3-mile and 4-mile run. I stopped for a drink at 3 miles and then carried on, telling myself that I've run 4 miles plenty of times so it doesn't matter.

At about 4 miles I hit my stride, and maybe my endorphins hit me. I think long-distance running is a good match for me. I've always struggled with keeping a workout routine and I think I now know why: I need to be working out for over an hour before I get that endorphin surge that motivates your next workout. However most workout routines last only 30 minutes.

On my ride home Thursday I was thinking to myself about my time playing softball and how exhausted and sweaty and sore I would get doing that. For the first two weeks of training each season I took ibuprofen twice a day and I was 14 years old! That helped me feel better about the aches and pains I have and about the fact that I can keep going through the pain. I've done it before. And I got stronger because of the pain. So I'll do it again.

Today, my smile was my mantra! I went to bed telling myself, "This long run is a great way to finish up the week" and woke up saying the same thing to myself (frankly I doubt there is any other way for me to get myself out of bed at 5:00 in the morning...). And that's what I told myself throughout my run. I didn't focus on too much but I also didn't let my mind wander too much. I just kept telling myself that this a perfect way to spend a Friday morning before work.

My last three miles were amazing. I smiled the whole time. I felt light and fast and strong. My muscles were loose and my breathing was more regular. The Non-Runner's Trainer reminded me to keep running the schedule, not to run more out of impatience. At the beginning of the week I thought, "Yeah right. No problem here!" But now I understand the struggle. This long run was such a positive experience there is a temptation to run this much each day. But I won't.

I was really tired after lunch and wasn't able to concentrate much. From now on I'll bring fresh fruit and juice to school Fridays so that I can have an energy boost in the afternoon.

Let's Running!

Total this Week: 17 Cumulative Total: 28

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